
This website contains general information on the Garden Orchid, a product of Anthura B.V., produced in-company. This information is as correct, complete and up-to-date as possible. However, no guarantees can be offered in this respect.
If the information provided on the website has shortcomings, Anthura B.V. will make every possible effort to correct it as soon as possible. Anthura only guarantees that the Garden Orchid plants are suitable for their intended purpose.

No part of this website may be reproduced or used without the prior written consent of Anthura B.V., other than downloading, watching it on a single screen and/or printing a few hard copies for personal, non-commercial use.

Intellectual property
Anthura B.V. expressly reserves the intellectual property rights of the information provided on this website, which also includes graphics, photo materials, figurative marks and logos. Without the prior consent of Anthura B.V., it is not allowed to reveal and/or copy, store, or disseminate any information published on this website, in any manner whatsoever.